Good Evening, Class!

Welcome Students, Parents, Alumni (and the NSA)! I don't just work from 6:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I'm apt to be thinking about something for class at any time of the day or night. So I decided to start "THS After Hours" as a way of extending our day. If you're new at the blog, the most recent entries are at the top of the page, and they get older and older as you go down the page. Just like archaeology.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

"Entertainment" Tonight?

I know you've heard this before, but. . .

For more details, go here.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm really not sure if I care about the amount of torture on TV or not.

As a huge horror movie fan - I like something thrilling (in a scary way).

Yet at the same time I think it's accountable for a lot of the violence around today.

Robert said...

I agree with Kira about thinking that violence on television is linked to real life violence. But I hate horror films.

I personally don't watch any of the shows that the article mentioned and most of the shows I watch don't involve violence. They are mostly Comedy, like Boston Legal.

Leah Ross said...

Yeah- im not into the violence on t.v. (sometimes its overdone to the point of)

I don't watch a lot of t.v. in general, actually. Grey's Anatomy is good enough for me. Besides, I think that watching t.v. for hours on end is a waste of my life.