Good Evening, Class!

Welcome Students, Parents, Alumni (and the NSA)! I don't just work from 6:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I'm apt to be thinking about something for class at any time of the day or night. So I decided to start "THS After Hours" as a way of extending our day. If you're new at the blog, the most recent entries are at the top of the page, and they get older and older as you go down the page. Just like archaeology.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Why It's Sometimes Called "The Scottish Play"

Here's one version. (It's kind of amateurish, but has some interesting material).

This should be a more reputable source. (You can compare.)

The curse is still apparently alive and well.


MattBegue said...

I found this interesting. Doesn't have to do with Macbeth, but it does have to do with C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters which I know Block 4 touched. So i just slapped it here on the top post.

Anyways, they're making a movie adaptation of The Screwtape Letters. It'll be by the same company that did the C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia and will be directed by Randall Wallace who's known for doing The Rookie, Pearl Harbor, and Braveheart. It's expected to come out in 2008. So far, that's all that is known of it; no actors are attatched to the film yet. They did say that it would be live-action (not a cartoon or computer animated or anything like that).
Link to the Story
To be honest, I think it'd be hard to make a feature-length film about The Screwtape Letters; although block 4 only read excepts, not the whole novel. I still think that it will find a harder time being a success than Narnia did.

Leah Ross said...

Reading about the dfferent occurences on various Macbeth set was definitely interesting...but doesn't it seem a bit convienient that the word "Macbeth" can still be said during the play without incurring the wrath of the curse? I mean, if I were one angry 15th century witch and I felt my reputation had not been done justice in Macbeth, I would curse the word in its entirety, so that it was even bad luck to say it during the play.

In addition, I was very amused that a group of witches who actually attempted (and apparently failed) to dispose of the curse.

Leah Ross said...

Well since there are no new posts showing for June (It might just be my computer, I'm not really sure) I thought I'd make a comment about... THE INTERCLASS SMACKDOWN!!! BLOCK TWO MAKES A COMEBACK at 3-3 !!!WE've tied it up and were going to prove we have what it take to be interclass smackdown Champions!!! GO BLOCK TWO!!!!