Good Evening, Class!

Welcome Students, Parents, Alumni (and the NSA)! I don't just work from 6:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I'm apt to be thinking about something for class at any time of the day or night. So I decided to start "THS After Hours" as a way of extending our day. If you're new at the blog, the most recent entries are at the top of the page, and they get older and older as you go down the page. Just like archaeology.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Block II: Regarding Ghosts

I guess that when I conceive of myself, I picture myself wearing clothes. But I don't get why a ghost should be a self-conception as opposed to an actual entity.  And if an actual entity, I just wonder where the clothes are coming from?

Well, excuse my skepticism.

Here's something you may like that I stumbled across some time ago.  It concerns a phenomenom/mirage known as "after-death communication" (ADC).

Actually, I had a similar experience.  My mother was a great bird-lover, and as you are all reminded on the hour, so am I.  My special totem has always been the red-wing blackbird.  On the first Valentine Day after my mother died, there suddenly appeared on my back lawn a flock of no less than 50 - 75 redwings.  Coincidence?  


Leah Ross said...

I'm not very spiritual, I but i do believe that sometimes we get signs... so I think the the blackbirds were probably a sign rather than just a coincidence.

As to the clothes question, i am clueless. Maybe it is self conception imposed onto the spirit's entity.

I already told the story of my mom's familiy's ADC experience with a black cat, but I heard another one from a friend of mine.

When he was younger, my friend's sister's twin was killed when a dresser fell ontop of her (they were playing hide and go seek). For months afterward, my friend and his family can recall being followed by this giant white dog that nobody besides them could see.( He, his mother and his sister all saw the dog)

My mom has a another instance of ADC as well. When my aunt died, her two children came to live with us. One day my mom came home from grocery shopping with a box of clementines. No one in my family had ever heard of clementines before, and my mother couldn't even remembering picking them up or putting them in the cart. My dad and I were surprised because she isn't the impulsive shopper type. However, later that night, my cousin came home and was shocked to find the clementines in the refridgerator. Apparently, they were her favorite fruit, and whenever she was feeling down, her mom would buy them for her.

chelsea willet said...

I have another interesting story to add.
The other day my mom told me an interesting story from when she and my dad were younger. They were spending a weekend at a cottage a couple of weeks after my mom's sister had passed away. One night, my mom was having a dream that her sister was standing over her bed talking to her. Later that day, my dad said that when he got up early to go fishing, he saw who he thought was my mom standing on the other side of the bed smiling at him. When he realized that my mom was dreaming that her sister was standing right there, he was a little shocked.