Good Evening, Class!

Welcome Students, Parents, Alumni (and the NSA)! I don't just work from 6:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I'm apt to be thinking about something for class at any time of the day or night. So I decided to start "THS After Hours" as a way of extending our day. If you're new at the blog, the most recent entries are at the top of the page, and they get older and older as you go down the page. Just like archaeology.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Everyone: Jack Bauer v. George Orwell

Are any of you 24 fans? I've watched a couple episodes, and then last year I started to watch it. But it was just too fast paced for me. And then I knew I'd miss an episode here and there, so I stopped.

Here's an essay that I just stumbled across (via It's written by a student at Colorado State University, who is also affiliated with something called the Ludwig von Mises Institute, a "sanctuary for Austro-libertarian scholars." (It's always a good idea to find out where things you find on the net are really coming from.)

Matt McCaffrey is concerned with the way that Jack Bauer, in the course of doing his job saving America from terrorist threats, tramples on civil liberties (not to mention kills a lot of people).

He decides that:

"As enjoyable as 24 is on the surface, a more than cursory glance makes it obvious that the show is attempting to justify and even celebrate an ever-expanding Orwellian state. It almost makes me want to root for the bad guys."

1 comment:

Leah Ross said...

lol. This made me laugh. I never really got into 24. I liked the parts of the 1st season I saw, but to be honest it made me laugh more than anything else. Macho drama is a bit too much for me, i think.( i mean no offence to anyone who watches the show -btw)

Actually, in my mind, 24 has sort of become a soap opera for men. (even though I have lots of friends who are girls that love the show)

On the Orwellian note-If anyone is looking for a great film with some Orwellian twists, try "Pan's Labrynth." It's in spanish and it has English subtitles, but it is worth watching. It's a mix of historical fiction and dark fantasy.( also, the film is violent and gory-not a a children's fairy tale) The film is set in 1940's facist Spain and the fantasy works its way into the plot as you go along, but many of the scenes that take place with the Facist soldiers remind me of 1984.
There is one pre-torture scene that is similar to the one Wilson experiences (minus the electricity). The officer doing the torture even tells his victim that by the end they will become friends...
I'm probably not making much sense so it's easier to see the movie on your own. I loved "Pans Labrynth," it is in my top 5 now. I haven't checked this "ludwig von Mises institute" link yet and it looks intriguing. More on this subject later perhaps?